Do you know about Instagram Map?

Inspired by Google, the Instagram map has become very useful today. Similar to Google Maps, the details of various restaurants, places to visit, famous places, etc. can be easily searched on Instagram's map.

The map, which has been updated recently, has brought a feature that allows users to search for places based on posts, stories and guides tagged by users.

With the new update, users can now search places based on hashtags. By clicking on the name of the place that other users have hashtag in their post or story, the map of that place can be viewed.

Similarly, you can find the map of the place you want by going directly to the Explore page. You can also save the location you are looking for and share the location with other users.

The new Instagram Maps support search and filters, allowing users to see restaurants, attractions and other hot spots directly in the app instead of looking at the location where the photo was posted.
The new map allows users to save their searches to collections and share locations with other Instagrammers.

By using location stickers in posts and stories, as long as the user's profile is public, that content will also be added to the new map when searching.

Instagram's map is working for Instagram's plan to be a one-stop shop for social media, e-commerce, travel and general life, where you can find all the locations you need from one place.
